Green Technology
Green technology, also known as “green tech” is a way to create sustainability with the help of science and technology. It helps to reduce our use of natural resources (water, air, coal, iron etc) as well as the non-renewable sources of energy replacing it with the green non-conventional sources of energy. With the advancement of green technology, more new products are being manufactured that can be reused or recycled.
Energy is a very important component of our times. In fact, it is the major input that is required to maintain economic growth. The more energy consumed by a country means that it is more developed. However, if we don’t use green technology or in other words, if we don’t use non-conventional energy, we can get out of all energy very soon, as the conventional resources are getting lower day by day. The most common ones are petroleum, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy. At present, 90% of the energy consumed across the globe is conventional energy and only 10% is renewable which is being created by green technology.
The renewable energy that is created with the help of science and technology is a revolution that can help us with the future health of our planet. This green energy can be created by the sun, wind, ocean tides, biomass and geothermal heat. All these sources are renewable, infinite and natural.
The power of nature can be used in the form of energy using green technology and can do wonders for mankind and coming generations. Solar power plants, windmills, geothermal plants, hydroelectricity plants, tidal stream generators, biofuels etc are some of the examples of this green technology which are invented to create green energy. More research and studies are being made by scientists throughout the world to get more from nature in the form of renewable energy.
Green technology is also very helpful in creating green products. Green products or green services are those which have less impact on the environment or are less harmful to human health than all the other traditional products. They can be more energy-efficient, more durable, non-toxic, biodegradable, compostable, free of ozone-depleting chemicals and other hazardous chemicals. All these green products are also part of this green technology, as the science and technology involved in creating them is to protect the environment and bring sustainability to mother earth. Consumers have also become very aware and are welcoming this technology. They’re now more interested in buying green products. Hi-tech thermostats, wind generators, hybrid cars, electric vehicles, solar panels and geysers, biodegradable plastics, non-conventional cleaning products and many more products like these have been invented through green technology and introduced in the market.
Within the past few years, they’ve developed many tremendous new products and practices using green tech, where you can renovate your old house or make a new one by sustainable housing. You can make changes in your lifestyle by going green like sustainable cooking, sustainable shopping. Reuse, reduce and recycle are also the key parts of this green revolution.
You just need to be more determined, more aware and more thoughtful in order to take full benefits from this technology and lead a happy and green life with your family and future families :)