What can go into your bins?
According to recent studies, around 300,000 wheelie bins full of recyclable waste is being sent to landfill each week in Australia.
You can easily separate this recyclable waste from other waste material. You can also wrap this garbage to prevent litter ending up on the streets during windy days. Good practices that you hold today will be helpful in preventing major environmental problems tomorrow. You can easily avoid putting any recyclable items into landfill.
Most homes in Australia will have council/curbside pick-ups. , The bin with the green lid is for organic waste which is used for composting, and the one with the red lid is for loathsome landfill.
Here is the list of waste items that can go into the green lid garbage bin:
- Meat, bones or seafood
- Food scraps
- Cooked leftover
- Coffee grounds or loose leaf tea
- Eggshells, seafood shells and nutshells
- Bread
- Grains etc
- Cake
- Dairy products
- Small branches
- Small prunings and cuttings
- Lawn clippings
- Leaves
- Weeds
- Cut flowers
- Shredded paper
- Hair
- Drinking Glassware
- Sticky tape
- Polystyrene
- Paper clips
- Single-use coffee cups
- Paper towels