By Popular demand here's another look at events on the Australian Sustainability Calendar for the month ahead.
Theme: Are we Addicted to Economic Growth?
UNSW Sydney - Bookings
Whether or not you believe that organic food is better for you, there's no question that artificial fertilizers and pesticides are disrupting eco-systems everywhere. In some cases they raise food safety issues too. Even though it costs more, there's just something wholesome, satisfying and very reassuring about the whole idea of organic food. We love it!
If you spend any time using social media it's hard to miss the countless posts highlighting the plight of animals around the world. From live exports, and routinely abused local livestock , to majestic elephants and rhinos hunted down to so that their tusks can be turned into trinkets and bogus medicine — the list of casualties is endless.
Of course, every day is a good day for compassion, but if you're thinking you'd like to do more to improve the plight of our fellow creatures October 4th would be a good day to get dive in and connect with like minded others. While you're at it get family, friends and colleagues involved. You can register your own event or find others on the event website.
Just like it says on the tin - all about recycling and waste management.
Sydney Olympic Park
Whereas Enviro 14 has a slant on the showcasing the latest products and trends in the sustainability space, The SIB conference is all about making your organisation more sustainable.
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
National Ride 2 Work Day - 15th October
Cars are just sooo last century. If you want to be cool in the twenty hundreds get a bike and ride to work. If you want to be even cooler, convince your workmates to join you. Not sure? Try it for a day. Pedal power is cool, but even an electric bike is better for the environment than a car.
Bird Week - October 20th to 26th
Australian birds are amongst the most exotic and varied on the planet. Orgnised by birdlife Australia, National Bird Week has the goal of inspiring Australians to take action and get involved in bird conservation efforts.
The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is one of the biggest citizen science projects ever to come to Australia. Thousands of Australians will be heading to their backyards parks and public spaces to take part in the first ever nationwide weeklong bird counting survey. Not only will it be fun - it will provide invaluable data on the state of our bird life.
Can you get your work or your school involved? It will just take 20 minutes of your time. How about changing your email footer for a week?
In your own back yard and at parks and public spaces across across Australia
National water week is all about raising awareness of water issues in Australia, and being thankful for what currently have. his is a great one for schools and a good time for us all to remember how dependent we are on water.
Australia is the driest continent on earth. It seems largely forgotten now, but not long ago the country was ravaged by the worst drought since records began. Thankfully the rains returned but can we count on our luck continuing or should we be investing in greater water security? 2013 was the hottest year on record and some environmental studies predict further disruptions in the years ahead.
Check out the National Water Week Web Page for for school competitions and events across Australia.