Tips to help your office this EOFY

Tips to help your office this EOFY

Simple ideas to help you sail into the EOFY As we head into the final days of this financial year, it is easy to get caught up in the stress of the deadlines and all the associated extra work that is required prior to June 30. We want to try and help you sail into the final days ahead, so we have compiled a few hints and tips to help inspire you and help our planet at the same time. RECYCLE PAPER AS YOU GO As you are sorting through the receipts, reports and various other paper items in order to have everything submitted by June 30 why not take the opportunity to reduce your paper load in the moment? If you have a Paper Recycling Deskside Bin sitting next to your desk, you can simply put any unrequired papers in there for recycling rather than putting them back in a cupboard for sorting at a later date. If it is documents that you will need to keep copies of, perhaps you can scan a copy of them and then recycle the hard copy, this is a great way to start a new habit of electronic document storage moving ahead into the new financial year. CONSCIOUS CAFFINE HITS With the pressure mounting to hit the EOFY deadline you may find yourself consuming a few more cups of coffee to help you get through the day. In order to help our environment and reduce waste why not simply take a mug with you and have your coffee in a reusable mug rather than a disposable takeaway cup. This way you still get that delicious caffeine hit and also have the added bonus of knowing you are reducing landfill. If your office has a coffee machine that uses coffee pods ensure that you are recycling them correctly by reading our Blog post on giving your coffee pods another life HOST AN OFFICE ‘POT LUCK’ DINNER As you are nearing the end of the EOFY you may find yourself working longer hours than usual and looking for some inspiration for office dinners. Perhaps instead of ordering the usual boring pizza (and knowing that the pizza box would be contributing to landfill) you could hold an office ‘pot luck’ dinner instead. This would mean that everyone bought in one dish for a meal, and then you put all the dishes together and share dinner with your colleagues. Also remember to ask everyone to bring their own plate and cutlery from home, this means that you have no disposable plastics to worry about. What a fantastic way to connect with everyone on what their favourite dish is and why, and as an added bonus you may get to try some exciting new cuisines! Win Win! BOOK IN A TREAT FOR YOURSELF There is nothing better than knowing that you have something exciting ahead to help you push through the stressful times, so why not book in a treat for yourself for after the EOFY. It could be something as simple as a coffee date with a friend at your favourite café, booking in to see a new movie that you love, or perhaps even something a bit bigger like treating yourself to a massage or putting down a deposit on a holiday you’ve been dreaming of! Once you have treated yourself, why not treat your office too? We have an amazing deal on our brand new Soft Plastic Recycling FLIP bins that ends on June 30 so if you'd like to add a snazzy new friend to your office be sure to take up this amazing offer that ends soon! We hope that you have found some inspiration in the ideas above to help make the last few days of this financial year as easy as possible, and to set up good habits that you can implement moving forwards into the 2018/2019 financial year.
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