About Me

Question 01

What is your favourite recycling fact?

Question 01

Research has found that those who recycle and those who work for
companies that recycle and have sustainable practices are actually happier than
those who don't, same goes for dogs in the office!

Question 02

What do you like about working for Ecobin?

Question 02

Being a certified lap-warmer and the constant attention

Question 03

Do you have any hobbies?

Question 03

Napping, coughing for attention, walking 1km/h
when everyone is in a rush and harassing EB employees who brought chicken for

Question 04

Your Spirit Animal?

Question 04

A cat. Aloof and tired all the time.

Question 05

Favourite Midnight Snack?

Question 05

Would be a miracle if I made it to midnight,
tucked in with head on pillow by 8:30pm

Question 06

How would you like to see Australians recycle better? 

Question 06

Everyone should let EB dogs lick recyclables
clean before recycling them