About Me

Question 01

What is your favourite recycling fact?

Question 01

I am really interested in how we, human beings, can be the solution. Changing the perception of waste being something you dispose of, to being the beginning of something new!!! That is what excites me at the moment.

Question 02

What do you like about working for Ecobin?

Question 02

I love the reason why we exist. I love how we contribute to a better future. I love my colleagues.

Question 03

Do you have any hobbies?

Question 03

LOOOOOOVE the snow and skiing is my passion

Question 04

Your Spirit Animal?

Question 04

Dog ... maybe?

Question 05

Favourite Midnight Snack?

Question 05


Question 06

How would you like to see Australians recycle better? 

Question 06

One single conscious action each person takes towards recycling will definitely have a huge positive impact in everyones' lives.